Calculates the absolute neutrophil count and the Immature : Total neutrophil ratio.
Due date when date at the start of the last menstrual cycle is entered or estimate current gestational age when a neonate is born prematurely.
Calculates current postmenstrual (or postconceptual) age.
Combines the Calories,Formula template with TPN-kCal:Gm Nitrogen to determine TOTAL kCAL/kg/day provided from both sources combined.
Use the results of a Pre drug level and a Post drug level that were drawn around the SAME dose to determine the patient's pharmacokinetic parameters and modify their dose.
This is the Css equation for first order elimination only. It is used to determine volume of distribution and possible dosage modifications.
Estimates the percentage of filtered sodium that is excreted in the urine.
Determines the oxygenation index - which is a numerical assessment of severity of respiratory distress in neonates.
Determines the total mL/kg/day being given after inputting the mL/hour fluid rate and patient weight and vice-a-versa.
Calculate mean arterial blood pressure when diastolic and systolic blood pressures are known.
Determines mean airway pressure in patients on conventional ventilator support.
Calculates the placement of umbilical position.
Determines the infusion rate in mL/hour after inputting the dose in UNITS/kg/HOUR and the infusion concentration.
Determines the mEq/kg/HOUR rate after entering all of the other variables.
Determines the infusion rate in mL/hour after inputting the desired mCg/kg/min dose and the infusion concentration.
Determines the infusion rate in mL/hour after inputting the desired mCg/kg/hour dose and the infusion concentration.
Vancomycin dosing calculator.
Calculate the total kilocalories per day provided by the enteral feeding as well as the kilocalorie per kilogram per day total.
Calculates the amount of a single electrolyte to be added to an IV bag when you know the total mEq/kg/day amount of that electrolyte you would like to provide.