Postmenstrual Age Calculator
EGA [weeks.days] =
EGA adjust =
DOB = 0/0/0
Current Date = 0/0/0
PMA [weeks.days] =
pmatest2 =
Calculates current postmenstrual (or postconceptual) age when gestational age, date of birth, and current date are provided. The entered age and provided answers include days for more exact solutions. Current date can be modified to a future date to predict when a certain postmenstrual age will be reached.
- EGA [weeks.days]: The estimated gestational age in weeks and days at date of birth. Example: 31 weeks and 4 days would be entered as 31.4
- EGA adjust: The estimated gestational age entered in weeks and days is converted to a decimal value in weeks.
- DOB: Date of birth selected from the date wheels.
- Current Date: Accept the default of today's date or modify to a past or future date.
- PMA: The calculated postmenstrual age in weeks.
- PMA [weeks.days]: The current postmenstrual age in weeks and days.
KB was born at 31 weeks and 4 days estimated gestational age on November 4th of 2015. It is now January 5th of 2016. What is her current postmenstrual age?
- EGA [weeks.days]: 31.4
Calculates EGA adjust as 31.57 weeks.
- DOB: November 4, 2015
- Current Date: January 5, 2016
Calculates PMA as 40.43 weeks and 40.3 weeks.days (40 weeks and 3 days)
EGA [weeks.days]
EGA adjust
Current Date
PMA [weeks.days]