Drip mEq/kg/hour Calculator
mL/Hour =
mEq/kg/HOUR =
Weight =
Total mEq =
Total Volume =
Most commonly used to determine the mEq/kg/HOUR rate after entering all of the other variables. This can be used to solve for any one of the variables when the other variables have been input.
- mL/Hour: the millilters per hour infusion rate of the intravenous solution
- mEq/kg/HOUR: the milliequivalents per kilogram per HOUR dose
- Weight: the patient's weight
- Total mEq: the total milliequivalent added to the intravenous solution bag or syringe
- Total Volume: the total milliliter volume of the intravenous solution bag or syringe
To provide 0.25 mEq/kg/hour of bicarbonate for the 1 kg neonate, what rate will the IV bag of 62.5 mEq sodium bicarbonate in 250mL of D5W have to infuse at? Input the following:
- mEq/kg/HOUR: 0.25
- Weight: 1kg
- Total mEq: 62.5
- Total Volume: 250mL
The calculator solves for mL/Hour giving an answer of 1.
Total mEq
Total Volume