Glucose Log & A1C Calculator
Formulas = 3
Days to Average = 120
Glucose Log =
Average Glucose =
Estimated A1C =
adag1 = 46.7
adag2 = 28.7
dcct1 = 77.3
dcct2 = 35.6
nathan1 = 33.3
nathan2 = 86
n =
Highs & Lows
Highest =
Lowest =
A1C Calculator
Average Glucose =
Estimated A1C =
This is a fasting blood glucose log. It keeps a running total of your morning blood test and calculates an estimated A1C. The A1C is calculated by selecting one of the 4 formulas in the list. After about 90 days of testings your A1C should be very close to your actual A1C using one of the formulas. If not, you can adjust the number of days to average.
Days To Average
Enter a number for (Days To Average) to get an average of that number of days. For example: entering 7 will average the last 7 days. The A1C is calculated using the formula selected. The default is 120 days; however, if the actual number of days stored in the log is less than the selected days, it calculates the Entire Log. In addition, 7.9 will only average 7 days not 8, any thing to the right of the decimal is ignored.
Glucose Log
The log has a limit of a 120 days. Once it reaches the limit it removes the very first row. Therefore, always containing the last 120 days.
Formula List
Select a formula to calculate the A1C.
Nathan Formula is the default.
If you already know your A1C, use the A1C calculator located above to find your average glucose level. If your A1C is 7.7 and using the Nathan formula your average blood glucose is 170. This should be your first entry in the log. After each testing enter a return.
All entries should be FASTING: no food for a least 8 to 10 hours.
169 return
150 return
155 return
169+150+155 = 474 / 3 = 158
Using the Nathan formula.
The A1C for 158 is 7.3
These estimates can help track your progress.
An actual A1C is determined by a medical lab.
4.0%-5.7% Normal.
5.7%-6.4% indicates Pre-Diabetes.
>6.4% Diagnostic for Diabetes.
Formulas used
(Diabetes Control and Complications Trial)
A1C = (Average + 77.3) / 35.6
(A1C-Derived Average Glucose)
A1C = ( Average + 46.7 ) / 28.7
A1C = (Average + 86) / 33.3
A1C = (Average+Factor1)/Factor2
A1C Calculator
Enter the average blood glucose to calculate an A1C, or enter an A1C to calculate the average blood glucose. It calculates the value using the formula selected in the above template.
Contributed by Gary Wiese.
Factors 1 and 2 are used in the Modified Formula.
Factor 1 = 73
Factor 2 = 28
Days to Average
Glucose Log
Average Glucose
Estimated A1C
Average Glucose
Estimated A1C
Factor 1
Factor 2