Plant Spacing Calculator
Planting Length =
Start Space = 0
End Space = 0
Spacing =
#Shrubs =
Equal Space =
Estimates the number of shrubs needed for an area based on the length and desired spacing. Also provides the adjusted spacing distance as close to the desired spacing as possible.
- Planting Length: Length of the area where plants will be planted.
- Start Space: The distance from the starting point of where the total length is measured. If the first plant is at the beginning of the point where the measurement starts, enter "0" in this field.
- End Space: The distance from the where the last plant will be installed to the end of where the total length is measured. If the last plant is at the of point where the measurement ends, enter "0" in this field.
- Spacing: Desired space between shrubs.
- #Plants: Number of plants needed.
- Equal Space: The space that will result in uniform placement as close to the desired spacing as possible.
Estimate the number of plants needed for an area based on a length of 12'10" and a desired spacing of 16". The first plant will be installed 8" from the edge of the sidewalk (starting point of the length) and will end 8" from end of the house (the ending point of the total length).
- Planting Length: 12ft 10in
- Start Space: 8in
- End Space: 8in
- Spacing: 16in
There are 10 shrubs needed to fill the space. To fill the space equally, plenty them 1ft 3&1/4in apart.
Planting Length
Start Space
End Space
Equal Space