Life Estimate [white males] Calculator
Percentile (1 to 99) =
Current Age (50 to 95) =
i =
j =
Final Age =
Remaining Years =
tab = [[51.9;60.9;65.6;70.4;80.2;85.1;90;95];[53.5;61.8;66.2;70.8;80.3;85.2;90;95];[57.6;64.1;67.9;72;80.8;85.5;90.2;95];[62.7;67.4;70.3;73.7;81.6;86;90.5;95.2];[69.5;72.3;74.3;76.7;83.1;86.9;91.2;95.7];[72;74.3;76;78.1;83.8;87.4;91.5;95.9];[81;82;82.8;83.9;87.4;90;93.2;97.1];[87.9;88.4;88.8;89.4;91.5;93.2;95.7;98.9];[89.3;89.7;90.1;90.6;92.5;94.1;96.4;99.5];[92.8;93.1;93.3;93.7;95.1;96.4;98.3;100.7];[95.3;95.6;95.8;96.1;97.2;98.3;100;101.2];[98;98.2;98.3;98.6;99.6;100.4;101.1;101.5];[99.7;99.9;100;100.2;100.7;101.1;101.4;101.5]]
al = [50;60;65;70;80;85;90;95]
pl = [1;2;5;10;20;25;50;75;80;90;95;98;99]
Given current age calculates age at death with given probability. Data table constructed from data in CDC "Table 5. Life table for white males: United States, 2008". Intermediate values calculated using bilinear interpolation.
Contributed by Tom Hess.
At age 70 at the 90th percentile, death will be prior to age 93.7. Or one chance in ten that at age 70 a person will live to 93.7.
Percentile (1 to 99)
Current Age (50 to 95)
Final Age
Remaining Years