Cost per Unit Calculator
Total Amount =
#Units =
Cost/Unit =
Calculates the cost per unit for a project. Whether you want to know what the average cost per square foot is or the cost per hour on a job, enter the total amounts and the number of units (SF, CF, CY, hours etc) to display the cost per unit.
-Total Amount: Total amount to complete the job.
-#Units: Total number of units to complete the job. For example, the number of hours it took to complete the project, the square feet of the total project, or the total cubic yards of the project.
-Cost/Unit: Amount per unit to complete this job.
Calculate the average hourly dollar amount billed to a customer on a project that lasted for 18 days (8 hours per day) where you charged the customer $12,345.00.
-Total Amount: $12,345.00
-#Units: 144
You billed an average of $85.73 per hour to complete this project.
Total Amount