Crown Molding Angles Calculator
Wall or Ceiling Angle = 90
Crown Angle =
Angle = 1
Laying Flat
Wall & Ceiling Crown Angles:
Select Wall Crown Angle when the wall is angled, and select Ceiling Crown Angle when the ceiling is angled (vaulted ceiling).
Wall or Ceiling End Angle:
This is where you end the crown into another wall. For example, the wall angle is 135° it returns 45° for in position and 31.6° for the miter and 33.9° for the bevel for laying flat. Meaning turn the miter and bevel on the saw to form an outside angle. Outside angles are positive numbers and inside angles are negative. If it returned a negative number then turn the miter and bevel to form an inside angle. 90° returns 0, because the saw setting is at 0 when the cut is 90°.
Miter =
Bevel =
In Position
Cutting crown In Position is where the crown molding is upside down on the miter saw with the bottom edge of the crown is against the back fence and the top of the crown is down on the table of the saw. Positioned this way it is already setting in the saw at the proper crown angle so a miter is all that's need to cut it correctly.
Miter =
Crown Angle
The Crown Angle
The crown angle (sometimes called spring angle) is needed to calculate the correct miter and bevel when cutting the crown laying flat on the saw. In the example below 39.8° is the crown angle, measuring inside the triangle. The profile angle is 45° measuring outside points.
Different manufactures, and different runs can effect the crown angle. The crown angle and profile angle are almost always different. Never assume the crown angle is 38° and 45° degrees. Those are standard profile angles not crown angles, and rarely are they actually 38° and 45° degrees. Use the template to calculate the proper crown angle. Enter the measurements into the template fields Across Ceiling and Down Wall to calculate the proper crown angle.
Across Ceiling = 2
Down Wall = 2.5598832643861575
Calculate the compound angles needed to cut crown molding. It displays the correct saw settings (Miter & Bevel) to cut crown, using both methods "Laying Flat" or "In Position".
Wall angle is entered by user but the Crown angle can be calculated or entered manually.
Contributed by Gary Wiese.
Wall or Ceiling Angle
Crown Angle
Across Ceiling
Down Wall