Site Elevation Calculator
Known Elevation =
Survey Readings =
Unknown Elevation =
Total Readings =
Calculate the unknown Elevation based on the Backsite and Foresite readings taken from a surveying instrument.
-Known Elevation: Known elevation.
-Survey Readings: each survey reading with backsite in column one and foresite in column 2.
-Unknown Elevation: Elevation at the benchmark where it was previously unknown.
Based on the following survey, use the data provided to determine the unknown elevation if the known Elevation is 107.25ft.
-Known Elevation: 107.25ft
- Survey Readings: (Backsite; Foresite)
5.70ft; 3.25ft
4.30ft; 5.61ft
3.75ft; 3.98ft
4.97ft; 6.12ft
5.92ft; 4.12ft
5.13ft; 7.98ft
The unknown elevation is 105.96ft.
Known Elevation
Survey Readings
Unknown Elevation