Grades Calculator
Set 1 =
Weight 1 = 0
Set 2 =
Weight 2 = 0
Set 3 =
Weight 3 = 0
Set 4 =
Weight 4 = 0
Total Weight =
Weighted Average =
Often times classes offer different weights for different items such as exams, quizzes and homework. This template offers up to four grade categories each with its own weight.
- Grades 1-4: each grade group. Each group is a table where each grade is entered one per line. Scores of 75, 85, 93, and 82 would appear in the table as such:
If there are repeat grades then those can be combined on a single line, with occurrences following a semi-colon. Scores of 75, 85, 85 and 98 could look like this in the table:
- Weight 1-4%: the weight given to the correlating grade group. Let's say Grades 1 is tests, Grades 2 is quizzes and Grades 3 is homework. Tests account for 50% of the grade, quizzes 20% and homework 30%.
Weight 1% would be set to 50, Weight 2% is 20 and Weight 3% is 30. Since there are only three sets Weight 4% would be 0.
- Total Weight: the sum of the weight percentages. Ideally this should equal 100%.
- Weighted Average: the weighted average of the grade groups.
Set 1
Weight 1
Set 2
Weight 2
Set 3
Weight 3
Set 4
Weight 4
Total Weight
Weighted Average