Body Fat Percentage Calculator
Your Data
Weight =
Body Fat =
Body Composition
Fat Mass =
Lean Mass =
Computes lean body mass and fat mass after entering your total weight and body fat percentage.
Body fat percentage can be estimated by using a body fat measuring device such as a scale, or by taking measurements with calipers, or by other means.
Every human requires a certain amount of body fat to survive. This healthy amount of body fat varies with gender, age, and other factors. Consult a licensed medical doctor to determine your proper weight and body composition.
It's normal for body fat percentage to vary between measurement devices and over several days. Don't panic - just use the average of three measurements taken in a month. And remember that you're a human being who is more than just a number.
This template is just for fun. I hope it inspires you to meet your fitness goals.
Contributed by Todd Brasel
A person's measured weight is 150 pounds and body fat percentage is 18%.
Enter 150 in the Weight field, and 18 for in the Body Fat Percentage field. The resulting fat mass is 27 and lean mass is 123.
Body Fat
Fat Mass
Lean Mass