Time Change Calculator
Date = 0/0/0
Time [hh.mm, military] =
Hours [hh.mm, military] =
New Date = 0/0/0
New Time =
Calculates a new time given a date, time and number of hours. Time and hours are in military time in hh.mm format.
If the current date/time is January 6, 2014 at 10:05am and you wish to add 26 hours and 30 minutes to it, what would be the calculated date and time?
Date: January 6, 2014
Time: 10.05
Hours: 30.30
The new date is January 7, 2014 and the new time is 16:35 (4:35pm).
Time [hh.mm, military]
Hours [hh.mm, military]
New Date
New Time