Earth Distance Calculator
Latitude 1 =
Longitude 1 =
Latitude 2 =
Longitude 2 =
Distance Type = 1
lat1 =
lat2 =
lon1 =
lon2 =
distance multiplier =
Distance =
Calculates the distance between two points on the earth, also known as the great circle distance. Assumes that the earth is a perfect sphere. North latitudes are positive, south are negative. East longitudes are positive, west are negative. The earth's mean radius is 6371.3 km.
- Latitude 1: latitude of first point in dd.mmss format.
- Longitude 1: longitude of first point in dd.mmss format.
- Latitude 2: latitude of second point in dd.mmss format.
- Longitude 2: longitude of second point in dd.mmss format.
- Distance Type: units that the distance is calculated in.
- Distance: distance between the two points.
[ | NOAA National Hurricane Center]
Latitude 1
Longitude 1
Latitude 2
Longitude 2
Distance Type