Man Hours Calculator
#Projects = 1
Time Per Man =
Total Time =
Price Per Man Hour =
Total Cost =
Calculates total man hours to complete a job when combining the abilities of multiple workers.
- #Projects: Count of projects being completed at the same time with these workers.
- Time Per Man: Enter each person's time to complete the project.
- Total Time: Total time for the combined workers to complete the project.
- Price Per Man Hour: Price per man hour.
- Total Cost: Total cost to complete the project(s).
Example 1
A single project can be completed in 8 hours by one worker, 7 hours by another, and 9 by a third. What is the total time to complete the project if all three work on it together?
- #Projects: 1
- Time Per Man:
The total time is 2:39:19 (2 hours, 39 minutes, 19 seconds).
Example 2
If the price per worker for the above project is $40, what is the total cost for the project?
- Price Per Man Hour: $40.00
The price for the project is $316.65.
Time Per Man
Total Time
Price Per Man Hour
Total Cost