Time Estimate Calculator
#Units =
Time/Unit =
Time Needed =
Target = 1
#People =
Calculates the amount of time needed to complete a project based on the number of units (days, hours, weeks etc) it takes to complete one unit. Also calculates the number of people (assuming the same rate of production) needed to meet a target time of completion.
-#Units: Total number of units to complete. For example, if you are installing 879 linear feet of pipe, enter 879.
-Time/Unit: Time it takes to complete one unit. For example, if it takes an average of 1 hour to install 4' of pipe, enter .25 if calculating the number of hours to install the total amount. If calculating based on number of days and it takes 1 day to install 45 linear feet of pipe, enter 45 and the number of days to complete this project will be returned on the next line.
-Time Needed: Amount of time needed for this project.
-Target: A desired completion time frame. Remember to be consistent with unit type entered above.
-#People: Number of people needed to complete this project in the amount of time you are targeting.
Example 1
Calculates the number of hours it will take to install 36 pre-hung doors if your trim carpenter can in stall 1 every 45 minutes.
-#Units: 36.00
-Time per unit: .75
It will take 27 hours.
Example 2
Also calculate the number of carpenters you will need if the project must be complete within 2 days.
-Target: 16.00
It will take 2 workers.
Time Needed