Touring Schedule Projections Calculator
Work Schedule Details
Tour Length = 1728000
Number of Days Off = 10
Any First Day at Work = 0/0/0
Touring Projection
Date Requested = 0/0/0
Projection Status
Status =
Status Start on = 0/0/0
Status Finish on = 0/0/0
This script was created for people who work on unusual schedule. Making future projections of work status while working on these types of schedules is not always easy.
To find out your work status at a given date, simply follow these steps:
- Fill in your work schedule details.
- Enter a date for the beginning of any work period ( it doesn't need to be the last one).
- Enter a date for which you would like to find your future work status.
The script will determine your status for that day as well as when that status will start and end.
Contributed by Serge Leblanc
Tour Length
Number of Days Off
Any First Day at Work
Date Requested
Status Start on
Status Finish on