Investment Return, Advanced Calculator
Sell Value =
Buy Value = 0
Dividends = 0
Years = 1
Return =
Return% =
Additional Costs = 0
Tax Rate = 15
Actual Return =
Actual Return% =
Actual CAGR =
Estimates the return of an investment given sell and buy values and dividends. Calculates both a total and annual return. Also displays the actual return, with other expenses and taxes taken into consideration.
Investment Return
- Sell Value: Value of the investment when sold.
- Buy Value: Value of the investment when purchased.
- Dividends: Amount of dividends received over the life of the investment.
- Years: Number of years the investment was held.
- Return: Total monetary (dollars or other currency) return of the investment.
- Return: Total return for the investment expressed as a percentage.
- CAGR: Compound annual growth rate for the investment. This can be used to compare multiple investments of different lengths. This number is not equal to total return divided by years because of the effect of compounding interest.
- Additional Costs: Additional costs associated with the investment: annual fees, trading expenses, etc.
- Tax Rate: Tax rate (long-term capital gains) expressed as a percentage. Current US tax code for long-term capital gains is 15%.
- Actual Return: Monetary return of the investment after other costs and taxes.
- Actual Return: Actual total return expressed as a percentage after costs of the investment and taxes.
- Actual CAGR: Actual compound annual growth rate, including costs of the investment. This can be used to compare multiple investments of different lengths. This number is not equal to total return divided by years because of the effect of compounding interest.
Example 1
An investment purchased for $10,000 has been sold for $30,000. What's the annualized return if it was held for 10 years?
- Sell Value: 30,000.00
- Buy Value: 10,000.00
- Dividends: 0.00
- Years: 10
This investment averaged 11.612% per year.
Example 2
If the same investment included $500 in investment management expenses and 15% long-term capital gains tax, what's the actual return on investment?
- Additional Costs: 500
- Tax Rate: 15%
This investment averaged 10.236% per year after costs.
Sell Value
Buy Value
Additional Costs
Tax Rate
Actual Return
Actual Return%
Actual CAGR