Change in Time Calculator
Date 1 = 0/0/0
Time 1 [, military] =
Date 2 = 0/0/0
Time 2 [, military] =
Change in Time =
Calculate the number of hours between two dates and times.
Select dates with the date picker. Enter times in format using military time.
- Date1 and Time1: the date and time of the earlier event
- Date2 and Time2: the date and time of the most recent event
- Change in Time: the time between two different dates and times. Select the row to choose hours, minutes, seconds or hour:minute:second format.
How many hours passed between 12/20/2010 at 08:15 and 12/24/2010 at 17:40?
- Date1: December 20, 2010
- Time1: 08.15
- Date2: December 24, 2010
- Time2: 17.40
There are 105.42 hours between those two times.
Date 1
Time 1 [, military]
Date 2
Time 2 [, military]
Change in Time