Photo Reduction Calculator
Original Width =
Original Height =
Maximum Size =
Direction = 0
New Width =
New Height =
Assists in resizing a photograph, without changing its proportions, from an original width and height to a new width and height given a maximum size.
- Original Width: original photo's width
- Original Height: original photo's height
- Maximum Size: maximum photo size
- Direction: designates whether the maximum size is the width, height or automatically uses the longer edge. See details below.
- New Width: new width of the photo
- New Height: new height of the photo
Understanding Direction
There are three ways to calculate based on the Direction. Automatic ensures that the photo fits within the maximum size, automatically choosing whether the maximum size should be applied to the photo's width or height. Automatic will always choose the longer edge, width or height. Alternatively you can fix the width or height by choosing one of those options.
Example: Automatic Resizing
A 1200 pixel by 900 pixel photo needs to be reduced to a maximum of 400 pixels. What is the new size?
- Original Width: 1,200
- Original Height: 900
- Maximum Size: 400
- Direction: Automatic
Select "=" on New Width row. The result is a 400 pixel wide by 300 pixel tall photo.
Example: Maximum Height
The same photograph, a 1200 pixel by 900 pixel image, needs to never be taller than 400 pixels to fit on a web site. What is the new size?
- Direction: Height
Select "=" on New Width row. The result is a 533 pixel wide by 400 pixel tall photo.
Original Width
Original Height
Maximum Size
New Width
New Height